Entropica Labs


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Compiling stabilizer circuits for quantum error correction

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8 min

Compiling quantum programs for fault-tolerant quantum computation is a complex, multi-stage process. This blogpost describes our recent work addressing one of the low-hanging fruits in the pipeline.


We are happy to announce that our CEO, Tommaso Demarie, will be speaking at the Q2B Conference in Tokyo on “Very Large Scale Design Software for Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computing.” Joining him will be our Head of Product, Jing Hao.


Singapore’s Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat announced the National Quantum Strategy, committing up to $300 million to enhance scientific excellence, engineering capabilities, talent attraction, and innovative enterprises within the quantum technology space.


Tommaso hared his life journey, discussing what inspired him to dive into quantum technology, the impact he aims to create, and the challenges of transitioning from academia to founding a quantum startup, offering valuable insights into this significant shift.


Our team has demonstrated that, by using reasonably well-behaved Swap gates, one can preserve the fault-tolerance design of an abstract quantum circuit when mapping it to a physical circuit with a different topology. This property is particularly relevant when working with the planar surface code on hardware with heavy hexagonal lattices.


A few weeks ago, Tommaso Demarie, our CEO, visited UOB’s Group Retail TMRW office and introduced the team to potential ways quantum technologies could impact financial services.


Entropica Labs organised a memorable birthday celebration, with our friends, partners and supporters.


Tommaso Demarie joined the panel “Investing in Deep Tech: Market Trends and Opportunities.” on Venture Day Torino organized by LIFTT, where he shared his expertise in quantum technology and together with the other panelists, they provided valuable insights on best practices and key success factors for developing innovative start-ups and discussed the latest market trends and investment opportunities in frontier technologies.


Tommaso Demarie participated in the Startup Ecosystem Roundtable at the IBM Quantum Partner Forum. The goal of this roundtable was to discuss the pivotal role that startups play within the quantum computing ecosystem. We explored how fostering collaboration is essential on our journey to unlocking the full potential of quantum computing.


Our CTO, Ewan Munro presented Entropica Labs’ work, and participated in an industry panel session led by David Shaw, together with representatives from companies and organisations in the UK and European quantum ecosphere. Brendan Reid (Senior Research Scientist at E.L.) presented a poster about his work on Clifford gate decomposition.